Naomi Wells
Health Practitioner
A Bit About Me
Hello, I'm Naomi.
I have been interested in healthy eating for many years, having previously worked for a big weight loss company as a coach (2014-2017). I lost 4 stone, made some health habit changes that I've managed to maintain for the last 8 years.
In 2019, I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition which made me really look at my own diet and lifestyle choices. I made some positive changes and I feel that I have had some fantastic results by supporting my body with these nutrition and lifestyle changes. I'm now nearly 3 years from diagnosis and have not had a relapse in my condition.
I specialise in autoimmune conditions, but i love working with anyone who has a chronic disease, wants to lose weight, feel more confident in their own body or anyone who is looking to make some health and wellbeing changes.
I Believe that the food we put into our bodies determines not only our weight but how we feel, our energy, our mood and determines our health.
I believe that stress is one of the main causes of illness in our bodies.
But I do believe our bodies can heal.
With the right tools, support, and accountability, I believe everyone can achieve their health, wellbeing, and lifestyle goals.
I love working with people not only on nourishing their body with food, but also creating a healthy lifestyle and positive wellbeing.
Together –
We can feel healthier, happier, and more energetic.
We can overcome out body confidence issues.
We can set our own health goals and achieve them.
We can feel more confident and aligned in our lives.
We can work on our physical and mental wellbeing and feel happier in our own skin.
We can support the body through illness and boost our immune system.
We can feel rejuvenated and renewed.